NGS uses a Process of Perfection (POP) in the teaching of all subjects. This ensures better understanding and mastery of all topics and subjects. Though learning is slowed down initially to incorporate hands-on and kinaesthetic experiences for the understanding of concepts, learning is speeded up with the use of advanced and accelerated processes of teaching.
All chapters begin with one at least 'productive failure' questions that probes children to think. This generates interest in the concept being taught. It also informs the teacher as to the prior knowledge of the class, and helps him / her to teach more effectively.
Pre-test is followed by Hands-on, Tactile and Kinesthetic activities that involve every child. Children work individually, in pairs, and in groups. Children also take on leadership roles.
Hands-on experiences are followed by Accelerated Learning and the Control of Error. A Perfection Digital Book is used to speed up learning. Instant feedback is followed by immediate corrective action to iron out any gaps in understanding.
Once it is clear all children have mastered a topic, a post-test is administered. A self-dianostic report is accompanied with personal targets for each child six times a year.
It is most important that weaknesses in one year are not passed on to another year. Early identification and early intervention are both necessary. Children are not classified as weak or strong. Instead, every child is supported according to their personal vantage points. All children get a personalised development plan and are supported to accomplish it. Children often go beyond class level expectations.
NGS provides opportunity for lifeskills training by including planning, goal setting and time management as part of its academic programme.
The integration of values and the building of character are given prime importance. Spirituality is deepened through music and the arts. Traditional values like respect, responsibility and caring are inculcated through role plays and mini acts. Daily happenings and real life situations are used to bring out the consequences of one's choices. From the earliest years, children learn to feel 'in the other person's shoe'.
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